Thursday, July 7, 2011

love grows best in a little house

when i bought my house two years ago my great aunt helen paid me a visit. she wasn't sure, but thought my great aunt rene (her sister) had rented my house in the late 50's/early 60's. i brushed it off assuming it could be any house on this street, because they are cookie cutter homes after all.

fast forward two years. my grammy was going through albums to take to our upcoming reunion, i love old family photos and had to check them out. As I was flipping through albums one picture in particular caught my eye.

"is that my house?" i pondered.

as i looked more closely, i in fact realized that the windows are the same, the lattice on the porch is the same, the chimney is the same and the final similarity was the house number: 114. it was my house!

almost 50 years ago my great aunt and her husband lived in the house i now own unbeknownst to me. the moment i toured the house, i felt something. i belonged here. now i know why...

my beautiful aunt rene and her husband bill and my house in 1962:

my house in 2009:

makes me love my little house that much more.