Tuesday, August 31, 2010

hello, kitty

after we had to put our dear cat bella to sleep, i said i didn't want to have any more kitties. i had two and that's enough potential heartbreak.

of course the husband thought differently and talked me in to considering adopting another baby. we went to the local spca and there were quite a few ADORABLE babies, but none who stole my heart. we went to petco and saw a pretty little girl, but found out we wouldn't be able to adopt her that day. we decided to take an application, fill it out and come back the next day. we also decided to stop in our vet's office as she sometimes had kittens she fostered.

our vet's assistant took us to the back to show us the kittens they had. we saw two black kitties who were absolutely precious and took to us immediately. i just didn't take to them. i was ready to say "oh well" when she brought out this pretty dilute calico.  it was love at first sight. they had been calling her ponyo, which is an awesome name, but not for us. we thought of some names and finally decided on sookie.

we took her home and alice of course was fine with her. much to our surprise edward only took a few hours before she was cuddling on the couch with sookie. we are so happy we found her and like to think she is happy she found us.

so that's the story behind the adoption of our sookie butt...

Friday, August 20, 2010

i do, i do, i do... love grape soda

i don't know why i'm going to start a blog. my life is pretty much boring. maybe it will be a place for me to vent. maybe i'll be able to entertain people with said boring life. i dunno, it was something i wanted to do. i guess i could write about food i've enjoyed. i know i like reading about what other people say about food. or maybe i could talk about a movie i saw. i always have opinions about movies. i have a short attention span though, so let us see how long this blog thing lasts. as we said in high school, "ta ta for now" (well we actually abbreviated it, but who gives?!)